What Is Automated?
Ready-Set-Go! The clock starts ticking. The time sequence has been dialed in, therefore, the lights will turn on in proper order at the appointed times. No more missed cues, no more being caught sleeping behind the wheel during a speech contest. Automation makes timing fair to all speakers.
Pre-Programmed Timed Sequences
Preset values are programmed into the memory of the timing device for the convenience and accuracy of the operator. The timing sequences are the common values most often used with Toastmasters International manual speeches. A printed chart gives these values and are posted on the back panel of the automatic timer. This makes operation of the unit quick, simple, and very user friendly.
Adjustable Times
Not all speeches are by the book. Sometimes a speaker wants to change the green light time and/or the red light finish time. This timing device allows for these changes with the flick of switch and the turn of the knob. For convenience, the adjustment can be repeated for a second speech, or, the time sequence can easily be rest to the original programming.
Manual Override
Sometimes a speaker requires a time sequence not programmed into the timing device. This is not a problem. By setting the device to program selection #15, the lights will not automatically activate for more than 1 ½ hours. Meanwhile, the operator can push the Manual Override button to change the lights as needed.
LCD Panel
The LCD panel uses a bright yellow/green background with black letters and numbers. This combination of colors is easy to read making the process one of ease. The necessary program setting information is conveniently displayed for the operator. The elapsed time is also indicated. Turning the toggle switch to the stop position will freeze the elapsed time for recording purposes.
Indicator Lights
The excellence of this automatic timing device is the front panel lights. There are more than two dozen LEDs spread out over the three inch colored lenses to provide a brightly, but not blinding, even colored light of the green, yellow, and red colors. LEDs are known to have a 25 year life span. Definitely a buyer’s money’s worth. The back panel sports the three colors in panel LEDs. The operator can conveniently monitor what is happening in front without turning the device or stretching around its side to spy out the speaker’s lights.
AC/DC Operations
This automated timing device is equipped with a double battery pack to insure one to two year’s operation before having to change the batteries. Of course, this estimate is for normal usage. Alas, someone forgot to check the batteries and there is power failure. Not a problem. This unit comes with a built in AC power adapter that bypasses the battery pack. The unit plugs into a wall power outlet of 110VAC to 240VAC for emergency usage.
The automatic timing light is built into an ABS plastic box custom made for this particular service. The ABS is durable and very shatter resistant. Its outer texture lends itself to camouflaging any mars or scratches put on it during its years of usage. Field testing has yet to find any fault in design.
Training For Use
Only a few minutes of instruction is necessary to start a novice operator into a happy experience with this device. Turn the unit on, toggle switch is set to Reset, program knob is turned to the chosen time sequence seen on the chart, and the unit is now ready for the first speaker. Turn the toggle switch to Run when the speaker begins; turn it to Stop when the speaker is finished speaking. After recording the elapsed time, return the toggle switch to the Reset position in preparation for the next speaker.
Mermbership Not Required
You do not have to be a member of Toastmasters International to benefit from using timing lights and signal lights. Civic clubs, school debate teams, not for profit organizations, local governments, and many other groups use these lights to enhance their training or meetings.
No Substitute
There is no substitute for proper speech preparation. The study of the speech subject matter and references, and sufficient practice all aid in an effective delivery. However, timing alone can make or break an otherwise high quality presentation. Using a timing light in practice and in the field helps astute public speakers become remarkable public speakers..
Some timing lights are large and bulky, even, unsightly. These timing lights are compact, cordless, and small enough to fit in medium to large purses for easy transport. Because of their size, these lights are easily stored in most storage areas.
These Timing / Signal Lights are sold with a 3 Year Limited Warranty. The terms of the warranty are generous but do not cover battery leakage and unnecessarily rough handling or breakage due to excessive force negligence.
Customer Service
Customer service is first class. Everyone is treated respectfully. Problems are quickly resolved. Our goal is to maintain a win-win operation at all times. We first try to resolve any problems with a phone call. If that won’t be suitable, then we have the light returned for service. Turnaround time is usually 24 hours.
Decision to Buy
These timing lights are hand assembled with many parts custom cut, soldered, glued, and drilled. The price is modest especially since the manufacturer has great confidence in the quality of the timing lights and guarantees them for three years. Ask yourself these questions:
- Do I want fatigue free time sequencing indicators?
- Do I want compact size?
- Do I want cordless, safe operation?
- Am I willing to spend a modest amount of funds for a device that will serve my needs?
If so, click
to purchase a timing light.